All-in-One Professional SEO Software

Drive organic growth with unique insights, competitor analysis and unparalleled progress monitoring
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Track Your Global and Local Rankings

Get truly actionable insights gleaned from your site's performance data. Track every aspect of your SEO campaigns including local and global rankings.

Local Tracking Performance Tools

Our local tracking tools allow you to analyze how your site ranks in specific locations and in different local markets.
Our local tracking performance tools give you insight into:
  • Local pack rankings
  • Multiple locations
  • Google My Business
  • Unique local tracking views

Local Tracking Performance Tools

Global Tracking Performance Tools

Your SERP performance can vary from location to location. Knowing how your site performs in each specific location will help you find new opportunities and identify which markets are more valuable than others.

Global Tracking Performance Tools

Monitor Your Progress on Any Search Engine

Don't miss out on any opportunity to get your content in front of your audience. Go beyond Google and track your URLs in any Search engine.

Track Your Rankings in Any Search Engine

Explore your rankings across a diverse set of specialty search engines such as:
  • YouTube
  • Google's Video Box
  • Google for Jobs
  • Google Play
  • Google's App Box
  • Google's Mobile SERP

Track Your Rankings in Any Search Engine

Track YouTube Performance

Track your performance on YouTube, the world's second most popular search engine. See how popular your videos are and find traffic opportunities with our keyword insights reports.

Track YouTube Performance

Track Page Performance

Spot trends and see how Google relates to your content with page performance analytics. See your analytics data across all devices.

Track Your Performance across All Devices

In order to reach your full organic traffic potential, you must track all devices. Discover how mobile users differ from desktop or tablet users and use that information to create a winning SEO strategy.

Track Your Performance across All Devices

Advanced Metrics

As Google evolves, our rank tracking tools evolve with it. Use our advanced metrics to understand the power of your rankings, how visible your page truly appears to potential visitors, and how likely your URL is to be clicked in competitive search results.

Feature Image
True Organic Visibility
We created a unique metric called Absolute Visibility. This metric measures how your URLs stack up visually on the search landscape.
Absolute Visibility measures:
  • Your rank according to pixels
  • The SERP features that appear above, below, and to the right of your URL
  • Whether or not your URL is shown above the fold
Above The Fold Tracking
If no one can see your site your rank is irrelevant! Being above the fold and being seen without the need for scrolling is paramount for driving organic traffic from Google to your site!
Reputation Management
Before making a big purchase, potential consumers research on Google. Track your brand sentiment to see if your site appears as trustworthy on Google.
SERP Feature Competitive Analysis
Getting your URL inside one of Google's SERP features can be a major boost to your URL's visibility. However, getting Google to feature your URL can be tricky.
Our SERP feature analytics tools help you:
  • Find SERP feature opportunities
  • Analyze SERP feature competitiveness
  • Find keywords that have the potential for sustained traffic
Rank Stability Monitoring
A win is a win as long as it lasts. How can you tell how long-lasting (and truly powerful) your top Google rankings are? By tracking your rank stability!
See how consistent your top results are! (And get advanced warning when Google seems to be ready to demote your site on the results page!)